Hi, we’re Nikki and Chris.
Meet the farmers behind Lady’s Hat Farm. In 2017, Nikki found her way back to her parent’s farm, after studying and working in journalism. Over the years, she fell deeply in love with everything floral and everything fuzzy – and in finding a way to love these things in a way that also regenerates the land, builds community and encourages other young women to pursue a career in farming. In 2023, she convinced her city-boy accountant boyfriend Chris to move to the middle of nowhere and pursue this farming dream together. If you’re interested in more of what we have to say, follow us on Instagram @ladys.hat.farm. We look forward to sharing the farm with you.
Lady’s Hat? What’s That?
Lady’s Hat Farm – named after a hill on my parent’s land, the Lady’s Hat. In the heart of the prairies, a small hill amidst coulees and badlands, sage brush and prickly pear cacti, under endless skies and towering windmills, with two spruce trees jutting out the side like feathers in a fancy hat. It’s where we gather, grieve, celebrate; where we wander and pick wildflowers. It has a centripetal force that pulls you in and makes you feel at home. At the bottom, we stock up on moon-charged crystals. At the top, we watch the sun set and herds of deer graze and leap, prick our fingers on cacti and sample berries from the juniper bushes. It’s a special place, and so is Lady’s Hat Farm.
Other farm characters you should know and love…
Trickster, AKA Trick-Nasty, AKA the $10,000 cat. The main character if the farm was a movie. This guy ensures every flower has at least one cat hair once it leaves the farm. To know him is to love him.
Queenie, AKA Queen Bean, AKA Slink Cat. She lives mostly in our basement studio, but sometimes you’ll find her being brave and venturing outdoors or upstairs.
Honeybee, AKA the one-eyed wonder, AKA Hon-Bizzle. We jokingly tell people she’s HR at the farm, but in reality, her main job is keeping the coyotes at bay and the snuggles at large.
Otis, AKA Otie McOterson, AKA tiny little smol boy. This guy has two speeds: crazy, or lazy. You’ll find him racing around the farm at mock speed, barking at sticks, and snoozing on his dog bed in the greenhouse.